An Overview Of Exchange-Traded Funds And Mutual Funds

An Overview Of Exchange-Traded Funds And Mutual Funds

An overview of exchange-traded funds and mutual funds Two common pieces of financial advice, which few people follow, are having a diversified portfolio and investing in stocks. Only about 17% of people in the country listed stocks as the ideal way to invest money they don’t need for a while, whereas 30% cited real estate, and 23% preferred investments in cash.
A Guide To Investing In Mutual Funds

A Guide To Investing In Mutual Funds

A guide to investing in mutual funds Investors in the country often turn to mutual funds and/or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for their financial goals and to save for retirement. Although both these funds have similarities, they have their set of differences. Understanding both help in better investments and a diversified portfolio.
Flatulence Common Causes And Treatment Options

Flatulence Common Causes And Treatment Options

Flatulence – Common causes and treatment options Commonly called as having gas or farting, flatulence is a medical term that is used for the buildup of gas in the digestive system. Farting is quite normal when it is limited to five to fifteen times during the day and when it is odorless.
Muscle Cramps Causes, Treatments, And Prevention

Muscle Cramps Causes, Treatments, And Prevention

Muscle cramps – Causes, treatments, and prevention A muscle cramp is an involuntarily contracted muscle that cannot be relaxed. When individuals use the muscles that can be voluntarily controlled such as those of the legs and the arms, they contract alternatively and relax while the limbs are moved. Muscles supporting the trunk, head and neck contract similarly in synchronized fashion for maintaining posture.
Pain In The Knees When To Visit An Orthopedic

Pain In The Knees When To Visit An Orthopedic

Pain in the knees – When to visit an orthopedic It is fairly normal to feel pain from time to time. It can happen when you injure yourself and is a way of your body telling you that something is not right. As it starts to heal, the pain slowly fades.
Mouth Sores – How Can You Get Rid Of Them

Mouth Sores – How Can You Get Rid Of Them

Mouth sores – How can you get rid of them? Most people are affected by mouth sores at least once in their lives. These sores can be seen on the soft tissues of the mouth such as the lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, and palette. Sometimes you can develop them on the esophagus too, which is the tube leading to the stomach.
Coupons For Discounts On Online Grocery Shopping

Coupons For Discounts On Online Grocery Shopping

Coupons for discounts on online grocery shopping On an average, a family in the country spends somewhere between $400 to $1,500 on groceries, skincare products, apparels, bathroom and kitchen necessities, and basic entertainment every month. You can obviously sacrifice and bring down the cost by cutting on high-end products, but you inevitably cannot compromise on your diet and hygiene.
The Best Websites To Get Grocery Coupons

The Best Websites To Get Grocery Coupons

The best websites to get grocery coupons Going digital has become a necessity in this era when everything is done on a digital platform. Technology has gifted us with several digital benefits that include storing of data, images, and memories, transfer of funds, shopping, etc. Stepping into this digital era has helped make this world a smaller place for us, as we can now reach out to friends in distant lands, get in touch immediately, work at our convenience, etc.
Best Dessert Recipes For Winter

Best Dessert Recipes For Winter

Top 10 dessert recipes for winters Dessert being the last course in most cuisines around the world, it is crucial to get it right. It is the concluding meal and needs to be delicious to create a lasting impression. The name dessert is supposed to have originated from the French language.
What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

What you need to know about gum disease There is no dearth of people suffering from one or the other form of gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontitis or periodontal disease, begins with bacterial growth in the mouth, typically, caused by poor brushing and flossing habits. If left unattended for long, gum disease affects the tissue surrounding the teeth causing bleeding gums, teeth loss, and pain while chewing.
All You Need To Know About Normal Heart Rate

All You Need To Know About Normal Heart Rate

All you need to know about normal heart rate The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. Any discrepancy in its functioning can cause serious consequences, sometimes even resulting in death. Monitoring the functioning of the heart is advisable in order to catch early symptoms of an impending disease.
Know Your Heart Rate – When Should You Worry

Know Your Heart Rate – When Should You Worry

Know Your Heart Rate – When Should You Worry? Maintaining your heart rate is like maintaining your car – you don’t want to speed all the way up or speed all the way down. The best tempo is a steady one indicating normalcy. But with the pressures of everyday life, we often forget that the body is a machine too is prone to needing repair.