Essential Facts You Must Know About Eczema

Eczema is a broad umbrella term for different grades of skin rashes on the body. Pictures of eczema play a big part in diagnosis and differentiating the type of eczema the patient is suffering from. Most doctors have a set of severe eczema photos and eczema symptoms pictures that can help them in identifying the type and treating it accordingly. Read on to find out more about eczema.

Which are the different types of eczema?

Essential Facts You Must Know About Eczema

Pictures of eczema often help in differentiating the different types of eczema. Following are a few examples of types of eczema:

  • Atopic dermatitis
    This type of eczema is caused on a genetic level and is one of the most common types of eczema. It begins in the early stages of life, generally among people that have a predisposition toward inhalant allergies. The rashes occur cheeks, knees, neck, and ankles.
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
    An allergy on the body occurs when it is exposed to a certain allergen on multiple occasions. After being exposed multiple times, the body’s immune system’s recognition is activated and a dermatitis is produced on the next exposure.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
    The severity of this type of eczema can be gauged from the patient’s pictures of eczema. It is common among all ages of individuals and can be seen in kids as well. The rashes develop on the scalp, face, ears, and on the mid-chest (only in adults).
  • Fungal infection
    A large number of fungal infections can lead to rashes on the body. The pattern of the condition is similar to other types of eczema; however, the fungus can be identified when the rash is examined under a microscope or if there is growth on the rash.

What are the common symptoms of eczema?
The symptoms associated with this medical condition differ according to the age of the person that has been affected by the condition.

  • Rashes
    Rashes are the most common symptoms of eczema. The location and intensity of the rashes will differ according to the type of eczema. One can check different pictures of eczema to have a slightly clear idea of the type of eczema they are suffering from.
  • Itching
    There are many different types of eczemas that an individual can encounter. Almost all the types of eczemas have rashes, but only some of them can cause itching. Itching is commonly associated with irritant dermatitis, stasis dermatitis and xerotic dermatitis.

Which are the complications associated with eczema?

  • Asthma or hay fever
    This is a common complication among children that are affected by the condition. The children that encounter eczema at a young age can develop asthma and hay fever by the age of 13.
  • Skin infection
    Some types of eczema can also cause itching, and repeated scratching of the affected skin can lead to open sores and cracks. These openings in the skin increase the risk of an infection from viruses and bacteria. It can also result in the occurrence of the herpes simplex virus.
  • Sleep problems
    The constant cycle of development of new rashes and itching on those rashes can cause serious unrest to the patient. The constant itching can affect the quality of their sleep significantly.

How is eczema diagnosed?
In eczema rashes are developed on the skin, one can compare their rashes with pictures of eczema to confirm the condition.

  • No lab test
    Unlike most other conditions, there is no lab test required to confirm the eczema. The rashes and itching are the two symptoms that give an idea about the occurrence of an eczema.
  • Medical history
    If you see rashes, visit a doctor and inform them about the rashes as well as your medical history. Some types of eczema are a genetic conditions, such as Atopic dermatitis. The medical history will help the doctor in confirming the type of eczema you are suffering from, and the cause.